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Q.Bringing plants in for the winter.

Zone North smithfield, Rhode Island | Anonymous added on September 24, 2017 | Answered

I purchased a begonia last june and left it out side, now with fall arriving I want to bring the begonia in the house. Should I spray it first in case there are bugs or insects on it? What should I use?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 25, 2017

Check over the plant for any visible bugs on the tops of leaves, undersides of leaves, stem, and soil surface. Also check for bug damage, such as small bites taken out of the leaves. If you don't see any, there are probably no bugs and it's perfectly fine to bring inside. As described in this article, you can also wash the plant foliage with water or with a dilute dish soap solution, or use a natural insecticide if you do see bugs:


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