Q.Boxwood topiary
I live in zone 5 (lower Hudson Valley NY)
I brought a potted boxwood topiary indoors to overwinter. It’s in an east window, and the indoor temperature is usually about 67. I water 1x a week and mist everyday. It’s losing leaves daily from the bottom ball. Very dry and curled up. I wonder if I could relocate it but I don’t want to lose it and the outside temp today is 12 and moving it outdoors will probably kill it. Can I put it in an unheated garage? It won’t get any sun
Please help, Thanks

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This, actually, sounds like the indoor humidity being low, and possibly not receiving enough light. If you have another window that gets bright light all day, then you may want to move it to where it is bright but indirect.
It may be a battle until the temperatures remain mild enough to put it back out. Just keep caring for it, and when the temps get back up, it will grow new leaves. I don't believe it will die, but it might try and go semi-dormant.