Q.Boxwood root rot?
Hi there. I planted these boxwood last summer. Easy facing (morning sun, afternoon shade) and they did well until this winter where the leaves are now starting to turn yellow. I live in Vancouver where we have notoriously wet, mild winters. We’ve had no snow, or frost really this season. This was a new garden that I build last year made up of composite and manueur above gravel (from the builder) and then clay. I’m really hoping this isn’t root rot from the plants getting too waterlogged. Any suggestions as to what this is, will they get better as the season warms, should I find them a new home, can I do anything to rectify the situation. Help! I really don’t want to move them!
This may be Volutella blight. If so, it can be pruned out. Make sure to clean your pruners between cuts and to remove all yellowing foliage. Do not compost the trimmings. If the leaves have spots then you may be facing a far more difficult foe, boxwood blight. Read this article from B.C. master gardeners: https://www.mgabc.org/content/boxwood-blight-found-bc