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Bottle Brush Trees

Q.Bottle Brush tree (Tampa area)

Zone Valrico (Tampa area) FL | Nature Guy added on January 6, 2018 | Answered

Ive considered pruning (complete removal) of one of the two main trunks of my Bottle Brush tree in order to allow an overall smaller canopy to continue to develop. I just don’t want to cause a huge growth of shoots to ultimately start during its next growth cycle. IS OUR winter (coldest months) the best time to do this—in order to dissuade undesired new shoots from growing from the pruning site?? (Two photos attached show the two trunks and the overall size of this tree.)

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 6, 2018

With correct pruning, you can control many things about it, but it may take manual removal of unwanted branches, until they stop forming. The best time to do this is actually early spring.

This article will give you a better guide on this subject: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/bottlebrush/pruning-bottlebrush-plants.htm

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Answered on January 6, 2018

Pruning tells trees and shrubs to grow new branches. You may get more suckers as well. So the key to preventing this is to go slowly. It sure looks like someone in the past cut these bottlebrush down to 4 ft with the result being a flush of new branches erupting from the cut. There appear to be about 6 in the front stem. Try removing one of these branches annually. If that is too slow a pace for you, just be vigilant about removing suckers and watersprouts when they appear. Of course, you could take a cutting in spring and start a new plant. I hope this article helps: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/bottlebrush/pruning-bottlebrush-plants.htm

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