Q.Bottle brush plant in a pot
We gave had several blooms but now a lot of leaves have gone brown, dying and dropping. Can you advise possible problem

Wind and cold can lead to leaf scorch, which causes the ends of the leaves to dry, turn brown and die back.
Brown, dry and crumbly leaf edges indicate drought stress. Water weeping bottle brush once weekly during dry weather so the top 8 to 12 inches of soil remain moderately moist.
An iron deficiency, called iron chlorosis, causes bottle brush leaves to yellow and become stunted. The leaves eventually dry and die, followed by the death of entire branches and stems.
Few pests bother bottle brush, but armored scales can cause dry, dead leaves. These 1/8-inch-long insects have a hard armored shell and they congregate in clusters on stems and leaves. They feed on the sap in the leaves and stems, causing the leaves to yellow or deform. Entire branches eventually die and the remaining leaves look brown, dry and scorched. Pruning out badly infested twigs and branches with disinfected shears manages small populations.