Q.Boston Ivy leaves not glossy
Hi, I bought 2 Boston Ivy plants about 4 years ago. Both are from the same garden centre and both supposedly the same type.
I planted them in the same soil/compost mix in planter troughs either side of my pergola.
Now, 4 years later, they have grown extremely well and cover 90% of the pergola.
The trouble is, they look like 2 differents plants. One is glossy and a lush green with leaves that are ‘perky’. The other is not glossy, the leaves are matte and droopy and are starting to redden.
The matte, droopy one has grown a bit quicker and is denser than the glossy green one.
Can anyone shed any light on why they look so different and can anyone suggest ways to perk up the droopy one?
Many thanks.

I did think that and have trawled through the internet looking for pictures of different varieties.

You may have two different varieties of Boston Ivy; Popular Varieties:
Fenway Park, Ginza Light(s), Green Showers, Lowii, Purpurea, Robusta, Veitchii.
This would explain the differences in your plants.