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Blueberry Bushes

Q.Blueberry Plants

Zone 9 | didi paano added on September 1, 2011 | Answered

I just purchased a blueberry plant here in southern California. I planted it in good soil (with worm casings, bat guano, etc. ). I water it well every 3-4 days; however, the leaves at the top are drying out. Do I need to cut the plant back? What is causing the dried leaves? Am I over watering, not watering enough, etc. ? There are no bugs on the plant and it’s very leafy. . . just seems that the leaves on the ends are drying out and turning brown and crispy.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 5, 2011

You may need to increase watering, at least for the first season. Newly planted plants need large amounts of water to establish themselves well. Their roots were either restricted or cut to be able to be in the pot, so are not large enough to support themselves well yet. Watering more will help those roots grow. With shrubs, it takes about 3-4 months minimum of good watering to get them well established.

Increase watering and make sure that you are watering deeply, so the water gets to all the roots.

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