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Passion Flower Vine

Q.Blue Passion flower

Zone Salem, Or | captmk2004 added on June 7, 2016 | Answered

My passion flowers are a hit of life here but no fruit. I even manually pollinated them since we don’t have many bees here. The buds are on the ground and the outer shell is laying on the dirt below. Help please.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 9, 2016

While you hand pollinated them, it may not have correctly transferred the pollen. This video shows how to correctly do that:

If you feel you did correctly hand pollinate the plants, you may need to increase the amount of water and fertilizer that plant is receiving. When a plant is feeling stressed from a lack of water or fertilizer, it will often shed its flowers and immature fruit in order to survive.

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