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Q.Blue moon rose

Zone so45 3gq | Bettyann added on May 30, 2016 | Answered

Can you grow Blue Moon roses in patio tubs?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 31, 2016

Hello and thank you for your question. Yes you can grow this fine hybrid tea rose in tubs on your patio. I recommend tubs that are at least 20 inches in diameter or similar size rectangular tubs. The tubs are best to be 20 to 24 inches tall/deep as well to properly support the root growth. Make sure the tubs have drain holes in the bottom or drill some there yourself. I use a 3/8 inch drill bit minimum to drill holes in mine as they are less likely to clog up. Then I place a layer of 3/4 inch gravel in the bottom of the pot, the gravel can be covered with landscape fabric that allows water passage prior to adding a good bagged amended planting soil. Enjoy those pretty lavender blooms!

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