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Hyacinth Plant


Zone Winnipeg, Manitoba | Anonymous added on August 15, 2017 | Answered

I added everything from coffee grounds, skim milk powder, garden sulphur, Epsom salts, egg shells, baking soda bath, compost, and banana peels to ward off tomato blight. I had no more success than when I did nothing to the plants. I’ve rotated as much as possible, in my garden. I lost around 25 out of 43 plants. I’ve heard of burning off the blight using nitrogen. Is this advisable? How would I apply it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 16, 2017

These articles provide some great advice on tomato blight. Since this plant disease is incurable, one of the most important aspects to control is sanitation. Frequently check your plants to recognize symptoms early, remove affected leaves or plants immediately, and destroy or discard them without spreading the disease to other plants.


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