Q.Black spots on leaves
Recently, the flowering plants in my balcony have gotten infested with tiny black dots. They are killing my plants. What is this and how can I save my plants? The plants get a lot of sunlight and I water them daily.
The black spots are likely the dreaded Black Spot fungus. Usually seen on rosebushes, it can and will totally defoliate a plant or rosebush. The one fungicide I have found that will totally stop Black spot fungus in its tracks is called Mancozeb. It can be purchased at Amazon.com . Part of how it works is by leaving a yellowish powdery residue upon the leaves/foliage of the plant or bush it is sprayed upon. You may need to spray the plants two or three times to gain control, maybe more in extreme cases. Usually the black spots will not go away on the current foliage, however if the fungus is killed the new foliage generated should be free from the black spots.