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Rhododendron Plants

Q.Black soot on rhodendrons, pirrus and azalea

Zone b74 3DD | Anonymous added on April 1, 2019 | Answered

We have a thick black covering on nearly all of our rhodendrons, pirrus and azalea – and we have a large woodland garden so it is a physically huge problem.

I cannot possibly wash all the plants, it would take me years!!

I need a spray to treat the pests that are causing this problem, but i need a lot of it. Could you advise me what to do please.

Many thanks,
Karen Morgan

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 2, 2019

This can be difficult, as there could be multiple pests. My best recommendation would be to apply a broad spectrum pesticide. This can be something as simple as a garlic spray, rosemary oil, or pepper extract. This collection of articles will help you to craft your own pesticides, among other organic gardening tips: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/organic/

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