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Calla Lily Plants

Q.Black Calla Lilly bulbs

Zone 04901 | Donnachevallard added on August 30, 2018 | Answered

I was given Cala Lilly bulbs….I got no flowers….just beautiful leaves…..can you tell me wat to do to get flowers
Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 30, 2018

The 3 most common reasons for non-blooming calla lily are 1. not enough direct sunlight; 2. too much nitrogen in your fertilizer; bulb is too small to bloom. If you planted a fist-sized bulb then #3 is not the reason. Calla love sunlight but they also want moist soil. If your calla is in a container, it may not have gone through the necessary dormant period. Since calla lily is only winter hardy in zones 8-10, most gardeners dig up the bulbs before the first frost and store them over winter like glad bulbs. If you leave them in their container, stop watering and let it go dormant for 2 long months before bringing it into light and resuming watering. It will need artificial light as winter sun is not potent, even a south window is inadequate. Alternatively, wait until the weather warms and bring the plant out of dormancy outside. Don't be in a rush; calla is a tropical plant and does not like night-time temps below 50F.

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