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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Black Baccara Rose

Zone Europe | Gunnercar added on April 27, 2018 | Answered

Hello Can you tell me if I can plant a Black Baccara Rose in a container pot or does it need to go in the garden Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 29, 2018

The Black Baccara rose is a beautiful hybrid tea rose. Hybrid teas typically do better in the ground but can be planted in large pots as well. I would select a large pot about 20 inches or larger in diameter and at least that deep as well. Be sure the pot has drainage holes in it or one drainage hole at least. Use some 1 1/4 inch at least gravel in the bottom of the pot, just enough to create a nice drainage plane. Be sure it is in an area where it gets a good 6 hours of sun. Keep a close eye on the soils moisture, perhaps buy a moisture meter so you can test the soils in the pot routinely to see if it needs watering or not.

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