Q.Bird of Paradise
I live in Arkansas, and my plant is outside in the summer months and indoors in greenhouse setting in winter. My plant only blooms in December and has 6-8 blooms – VERY beautiful muliticolored! Why will it not bloom in summer months by the pool? It is huge and nicely rootbound.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It may not have the proper humidity out by the pool. While the pool will give off humidity, it is not contained like the humidity in the greenhouse. When it is out by the pool, try spraying the leaves down 1-2 times a week in the morning. Do it only in the morning, as afternoon or evening spraying will encourage fungus, which you do not want. The water sprayed on the plant should produce enough local humidity when it evaporates. Also, if you have it in full sun by the pool, you may want to move it to a slightly shadier spot, as it may be getting too much sun to bloom properly.
Try reducing your nitrogen fertilizer while bumping up the phosphorous and potassium. Something like a 0-28-25 should give good results.