Q.Bird of Paradise
Hi there! I’ve had this bird of paradise for about 7 years. Not entirely sure what kind it is–got it at Costco for $10 and it was labeled “Paradise Palm”, so I didn’t even know it was a bird of paradise until recently! But since I know now, I’d like to start taking better care of it.
The plant is about 6 feet tall, and made up of 3 separate stalks, each with multiple fronds. I’ve kept it in a series of low-light apartments throughout the Midwest, with time outdoors in the summer IF I had the luxury of a balcony. But other than occasional brown spots and dead leaves, it’s actually in pretty good shape, and regularly sending up new leaves. However, it has never flowered, and some of the fronds are getting so large and heavy that it’s kind of splaying out and leaning to one side. There is one frond in particular that is extra heavy, and it would be nice to chop it off, but it’s right in the middle of a stalk, and still healthy. Before, I only ever had to remove outer leaves, which wasn’t a big deal, but this one seems important!
I’ve tried tying them up with string, which sort of worked, but the string sometimes gets in the way of new shoots, and it’s difficult to get the string to stay in one place. I figure more light would obviously help the plant grow taller and keep it from getting the splayed-out look. But what should I do about the heavy fronds? Is it ok to cut them? Or should I just keep tying them up, get the plant some more sun, and hope that it balances itself out eventually? Or should I maybe even separate the 3 main stalks into different pots? Will flowering come hand in hand with more sunlight? I’ll include a few pictures which will hopefully help with your answers!
If your plant was labeled as a 'Paradise Palm', it is likely a Howia or Kentia Palm, not a Bird Of Paradise.
Your plant will not bloom.
You can repot the Palm into a larger pot, only go up about 2 inches in size.
Do not try to separate the plant.
Here are some links that will help you with your palm.