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Bird Of Paradise Plants

Q.bird of paradise

Zone Green Valley, AZ | jhmais added on September 17, 2015 | Answered

I want to grow Mexican Bird of Paradise from seeds. I’ve collected seeds from the red and yellow species. When should I plants the seeds? I’ve purchased numerous peat pots that I want to start them in and then plant the whole pot.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 21, 2015

After collecting the seeds from the dried seed pods make sure you dry them throughly.
They can then be stored in a lidded jar and placed in the refrigerator. Label them as the seeds are poisonous.
In spring, 6 weeks before the last frost, remove from the refrigerator and nick the seeds so they can take up water.
Soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours.
If the seeds float they can be discarded as they are not likely viable.
Sow the seeds in a mixture of potting mix, sand and perlite.
Cover the seeds with 1/4 inch of potting mixture. Cover with plastic and place in warm area.
Keep the seeds moist and you should see germination in one to four weeks.
Once they have germinated you will need to provide 14 to 16 hours of sunlight or a grow light.


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