Q.Better Tulip Blooms by Digging Up and Inside Storing Over the Summer
I planted 80 tulip bulbs two falls ago and last spring all 80 came up and flowered. It’s full sun and moderately well drained. I left the foliage until it browned and pulled it off. This spring, about 60 plants produced one or more leaves and only 7 out of the original 80 produced a bloom. I know tulips don’t last forever, but I was hoping for more than one good season. If I dig the bulbs up this year and replant in the fall, where is the best place to store them over the summer (basement, garage or fridge), and is it even likely that they will bloom better next year. I live in the Northern Kentucky area and the bulbs came from Lowe’s.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can store them for the summer and replant them in the fall. Place in a warm, dry place for the summer, preferably a garage. They need a little warmth over summer to form blossoms. Storing them in a paper bag or in newspaper will help to wick away harmful moisture.
These articles will help with planting them so they will bloom: