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Watering Plants

Q.Best ways to water community garden

Zone 84043 | rcstanley added on February 14, 2017 | Answered

There is a community garden near my house. I want to grow dent corn, dry beans, pumpkins and melons. I was wondering what the best way to water my plants would be.

We are in the west, so we get very little rainfall in the summer. The garden provides a few water spigots and hoses. I’m trying to find a method that combines courtesy (I don’t like making others wait to use the water), conservation (don’t want to waste too much water) and speed (I’d prefer not to have to be constantly watering). Any suggestions?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 18, 2017

Community Garden plots often provide hoses and watering cans right on site for the gardeners to use.
Chat with some of your fellow gardeners to inquire the best method and how to use the garden properly.
Perhaps they have a schedule, and many times a fellow gardener may even share watering tasks with you!


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