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Q.Best Indoor Tree – Phoenix, AZ

Anonymous added on April 18, 2011 | Answered

My wife and I just moved into a new home and we’re looking for the best indoor tree(s). I know a little bit about plants, but I’m originally from Ventura, CA where the weather made choices like these easier. The only indoor tree I know of is a Ficus, which is fine, but we were hoping for any other suggestions you might have, the taking care of a Ficus if that’s what needs be.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 30, 2011

I was gonna suggest a ficus too, you could always get a variegated one, which offers more color and variation, ficus can be braided too to add extra interest. Only thing about the ficus is that if they like a place, they don't really care about being moved around alot, they will drop leaves. They do come back but they will drop them. You can also look into philadendrons, they can get pretty big and they offer many more varieties than ficus. They do well inside and surely they are more plants, but I can't think of them right now. Some tropicals also do well in some low light areas. Also look into whether you will have it by a window or not as far as lighting goes. Hope this helps.

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