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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Berry Compatibility

Anonymous added on May 2, 2014 | Answered

I have 12 bare-root Caroline raspberries, 9 of which have come up so far.

I have the following blackberry varieties: one of the Dirkson, two of the Navaho, and two of the Triple Crown.

I have the following Elderberry varieties: a Wyldwood and a Bob Gordon.

I am keeping the raspberries and blackberries separated as far as I can. However, I have one loganberry, and wondered if it is better put with the raspberries, the blackberries or possibly eliminated from the garden? Is the placement of the elderberry a neutral item or are there any questions I need to consider?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 2, 2014

I am assuming that you are worried about cross pollination. As long as you are not intending to grow the seeds from the fruit, cross pollination is not an issue and these varieties and species can all be planted near each other. If you are planting like this for another reason, please let me know the reason and I will advise to that.

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