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Q.Begonia Flop

Zone Leicester Forest East | Plant Rescue Monkey added on October 27, 2020 | Answered

I bought these Begonias about 6 weeks ago and for 5 of those weeks they thrived. I used organic compost, a tiny recommended amount of food pellets and a generous quantity of gravel. I deadheaded them gingerly. Now they’ve sudden flopped. The weather’s been a bit rough but not cold. What have I done wrong and what can I do now?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 28, 2020

This can be common when the weather cools off. Another thing to consider is that the soil needs to dry out down to at least 2 inches between waterings. Leaving the soil too wet for too long without a dry period in between can cause root rot.

They can, also, tolerate very heavy pruning. The more you prune them, the bushier they will get!

Here are some articles that will help you with the care of the plant:



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