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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Bees building a hive in my container of flowers!

Zone 29909 | Perian Dunmire added on May 15, 2018 | Answered

Bees have suddenly taken over a container of annuals on my patio! Do you think they might attract more bees to take up the same address?? 🙂

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Perian Dunmire
Answered on May 15, 2018

No sir, I actually thought squirrels had been rooting in it so as I started to put all the soil back in the container, a bunch of angry bees came at me! I have a video following that action but there was nowhere to post it on here. There are layers of them in there!
Thank you,
peri dunmire

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Answered on May 15, 2018

This looks like a Honey Bee likely searching for pollen on your flowers.

You could move the planter to a spot farther away from where you sit. Bee's generally won't bother you and can actually be fun to watch as they move from flower to flower.
It is rare for a beehive to form in a garden.
These links have more information.


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