Q.Beautyberry Has 1 Limb That Just Developed Droopy Green Leaves After I Deadheaded
I had to deadhead the tip of a limb off a beautyberry b/c it was partially broke off and dying. Since then, the leaves on that limb are still green but droopy and some have curled. The rest of the bush is fine. What should I do??

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
No. It is likely overwatering. Even with full cloud coverage, the lighting will be sufficient.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, but I would treat with a fungicide just in case. This is not typical of the plant.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This could be a case of Verticillium Wilt introduced, if the shears contained spores or were not sterilized prior to cutting.
Here is an article that will help:
Also, they need to be pruned during later Winter or early Spring to avoid issues that arise with pruning out of season.
Here is an article that will offer information on care for the plant:

Would underwatering and/or poorer sunlight cause just 1 limb to respond this way? We have had a lot of cloudy days and rain interruptions for the past month.

The shears were clean and so far no signs of death are present. I highly doubt it is a case of Verticillium Wilt. Should I just leave the limb as is then?