Q.Bearss Lime Tree yellow, curled leaves and wilting
I bought my father a Bearss lime tree around Father’s Day and just this past week it hasn’t been doing so well. The leaves are curling, turning yellow/very light green and are wilting. Many are turning brown and I can almost pick the leaves off of it. Also, the tree was planted in a pot that was inserted in a bucket. I thought the bucket had holes in it, but apparently not and recently, with the rain we had as well as regular watering from our sprinklers, the entire bucket was full with water. I took the tree out as soon as I realized and so much water came out of the pot that the tree is planted in. I was gonna let it sit for a day and then check it only for my father to water it again…. Anyway, today I just checked the roots thinking they might be rotted, but they were still white, which I believe is a good sign. I haven’t given this plant any food, should I use osmocote? Is there any hope for this poor tree?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Thank you for sending us your gardening question. It sounds as though the standing water is probably the culprit. Drill holes in the bucket, so that water can properly drain. Allow the tree to dry out again before watering. Consider giving it some fertilizer, and it will probably recover.
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