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Basil Plants

Q.Basil Plants

Anonymous added on December 17, 2010 | Answered

I am growing basil but in a slightly different way than most. I want to grow and harvest the basil for its ‘premature’ or unopened flower buds rather than for its leaves, though I will make use of the leaves as well. I was wondering, do different growing/fertilizing techniques apply since I’m going for the buds rather than leaves? I want the buds to have maximum possible size and flavor/smell potency. I have purchased regular and bloom enhancing Miracle Grow fertilizer. When do you think that the bloom enhancer should be applied to ensure optimum results?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 17, 2010

The fertilizer can be applied regularly as soon as the plant has about 4-8 true leaves. Really, the bloom enhancing fertilizers tend to have more phosphorous. Using more phosphorous and less nitrogen will encourage blossoming and less foliage.

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