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Barberry Shrubs

Q.Barberry issue

Zone 60172 | Anonymous added on June 27, 2020 | Answered

I have been told this is a Barberry – it is usually beautiful but for some reason is being destroyed by something. The leaves are turning white and shriveling. See photos of good and bad sections. Is there anything I can do to stop the problem?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 29, 2020

It could be the fungal disease powdery mildew that is covering the leaves in a white coating. Normally this happens if a plant gets too much shade or high humidity. Barberries prefer full sun to part shade.

If just a few stems are affected, you can prune those out. Remember, too, the plant will lose its leaves this fall anyway. Be sure to pick up and discard any infected leaves that fall to the ground. Powdery mildew does not usually kill a plant, but severe cases can damage a plant.

Here are other ways to manage:



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