Q.Banana Trees
One of my banana trees has begun blooming. So far it has grown 2 hands. Now the last couple mornings I find a purple leaf on the ground along with the new flower buds. Could it be the ants that I see all over them on the ground or birds? I’m so bummed that we only end up with 2 bunches of bananas.

Bananas need regualr watering to sustain the large tropical leaves and produce sweet tasty fruit. You should expect to water slowly and deeply every 2 or 3 days during the warmer months. A test when to water is when the top 1/2-1 inch of soil is dry. If you planted in a shady spot or one that tends to stay wet for some other reason you may have water less. Bananas are susceptable to root rot and don't like continually wet soil or standing water.
Banana plants are heavy feeders and would benefit greatly from regular feeding all during the growing season. Best would be to apply a small amount of a balanced fertilizer containing all the secondary and micro nutrients every time you water, next best would be to give a full dose of fertilizer once a month. When the flower is produced I recommend cutting back on nitrogen.