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Bamboo Palm


Zone palm desert ca 92211 | Anonymous added on October 12, 2021 | Answered

It has been badly cut back, primarily when someone advised us to thin it and then cut the tallest fronds from the middle at about 3′, so the base is a mess. It also doesn’t look healthy anymore…not enough water? (another landscaper, and another irrigation replacement fiasco, don’t ask). Can you advise me?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 21, 2021

Palms can't be pruned back if they overgrow their spot. They have a high central growing point. The stems you cut partway could be removed at the base. That might improve its look.

Most of their problems are due to under or overwatering or insects. It does look like it's underwatered. Check the foliage well for scale or mites. They are very susceptible to mites. Foliage will turn yellow or speckled.

Do you fertilize? Use a fertilizer for palms and follow the instructions on the package. Make sure it contains micronutrients.


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