Q.Balcony gardening
Hi! I’m in Sydney, Australia. My balcony (see photo) faces north/east. The north side, which is the ideal aspect for Sydney, has built-in louvres that can’t be moved. The open side faces east, and the balcony receives about 5 hours of solid morning sun. It also gets very windy as I’m on the 18th floor. I was wondering about trying climbing roses in pots growing up the louvres on a support frame on the north side. How do you think climbing roses would respond in this environment? I know the apartment trend is for tough sculptural succulents like agaves, sanavierias and jades but I’d really like something more cottagey and pretty. All suggestions gratefully received.
Perhaps a Flava Trumpet Vine, Potato Vine, Bougainvillea Vine or a Jasmine Vine would be good choices. The roses would not likely do well with the wind and would need more sunlight.