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Pussy Willow Trees

Q.Badly Timed Pussy Willow Pruning

Anonymous added on March 21, 2011 | Answered

I think I pruned at the wrong time last year. I pruned late Oct. or early Nov. (in Connecticut). It’s March now and I have no new growth and only two or three buds. The rest of my willow is barren! I’m very discouraged. I think I damaged it badly by pruning at the wrong time. Any way to get it going again?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 22, 2011

You did prune at the wrong time, but never fear, the damage is only temporary. If you need to prune the tree, prune it now and then it will bloom for you next year. It only blooms on new growth, and when you pruned in the fall, you cut off the new growth. It will have new growth again this summer and will bloom off that next year.

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