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Bacopa Plant


Zone Massapequa New York 11758 | mt44 added on June 14, 2017 | Answered

I’ve grown it before, but the two I have now are really strange. First of all they were reduced plants I rescued at the nursery. Not many flowers and very sparse but the odd thing was there were so many brown spent flowers on the plants. I picked off as many of the dead flowers as I could and started feeding them with miracle grow and hung on my deck. I’m glad to say the flowers came so profusely that they are just a blob of heavy flowers,there is no spreading out or gracefulness of the Bocopa plants I ‘ve had before. They seem to have a very brittle stem . Are there different verities.? Please help, there so unattractive.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 15, 2017

Yes, there are at least 25 different varieties of Bocopa!
It also could be the stressed plants that you rescued, as this can result in growing patterns not normal to the plant.


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