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Avocado Trees

Q.Bacon avocado not making fruit

Zone Richmond, Ca | Marjorie added on July 14, 2017 | Answered

Hello, I’ve had my avocado tree for almost 4 years. Every year it grows these beautiful long leafs, and finally this year we started getting 2 avocados. I was so excited that finally we were fruit. Well, one of the avocados dropped from the tree when it was only 1mm size, the second just happened this week (it was about 1.2cm). I don’t understand what I could be doing wrong 🙁 This is what I do:
– The tree is in a sunny location
– Water it every week (or when I notice the soil is getting dry by placing my finger inside)
– Feed Miracle Grow citrus, avocado, mango plant food (3C) mixed in soiled around trunk of tree, then water it.
– Feed it from January- October (according to tree tag harvest is Nov-Dec)

I also noticed some little holes on some leafs and very little ants walking on it too.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 15, 2017

HI, I just happened to see your question and was interested myself: I searched Google and found this in their drop-down menu (noticing that you need to wait at least one more year for it to really start producing):

How long does it take for an avocado tree to bear fruit?
Avocado trees (Persea americana) can bear fruit if planted in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. The trees do not start fruiting until at least five years after planting. Avocado flowers are open two days. The first day they are female, the second day they are male.

(I would say, don't give up. He's just learning to spread it's wings)

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