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Azalea Plants

Q.azalea bush blooming

Zone waterloo iowa zone 4 or 5 | kbibbpierce added on May 15, 2016 | Answered

This is my first spring for my azalea bush. It looks healthy and is alive, tons of buds but when will they open and bloom, has morning sun till about 11 a.m. Should I be watering additional? Any pointers? It is about 3 ft. tall and a nice circumference of 3 ft. around. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 16, 2016

Azaleas have shallow roots and prefer a moist, well draining soil.

About an inch of rainfall per week is perfect for your plant, and you can water to supplement this.
Watering may need to be adjusted when the temperatures are warmer or even wind conditions.

A layer of hardwood mulch will help with moisture retention, but keep the mulch from touching the base of the plant.

Enjoy your lovely blooms!


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