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Avocado Trees

Q.Avocado pit growing with something unusual

Zone Los Angeles | Anonymous added on March 25, 2016 | Answered

I’ve grown my first avocado plant using an avocado pit. Although roots and leaves are sprouting slowly, I noticed some unusual white stuff growing at the stem of the roots. I have attached a photo of it in hopes I could get an answer to my concern. I just hope it’s not a fungal infection. And if it is something harmful to my plant, I’d like advice on how to get rid of it or if there is any hope for a cure. Thank you for the time and help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 25, 2016

Unfortunately, no one had clearly identified it. It could possibly be mold or fungus. If the water isn't changed every 2-3 days, then the likelihood of contaminants such as mold, fungus or fermentation will increase.

The pit will eventually drop off. You seem to have a good root system going so I don't think I would worry too much. You can try wiping off that white secretion.

For more information on sprouting avocado pits, please visit the following link:

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