Q.Avo Tree Not Bearing Flowers Or Fruit
My avo tree that was planted from seed is now 6 years old. My tree is higher that my house and is really growing well with new leaves during the season. I have not seen any flowers or any fruit as yet. The tree gets plenty of water and hooks healthy. We are now approaching end of Autumn and will go into winter soon. Our winter sometimes goes below zero. Some other plants not suitable for this climate dry up all the leaves and regrow during spring. i want my tree to bear. Please help Many thanks Dean Govender
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It will not bear on its own. It needs another of the opposite flowering type to produce. Even then, your tree may not bear with a yearly freeze.
Unfortunately, with only one tree, it will be for ornament only.
Still, your tree is very young. It is about halfway to the point where you might see the first flower.
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