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Asparagus Plants


Zone 07718 | PaladinNJ added on June 14, 2017 | Answered

I planted an asparagus bed last year. The shoots are growing except in two spots. By my figuring the crowns in that location probably did not survive. Can I replace them with new crowns or will that damage the ones that took root. Will the established plants eventually fill the barren spots?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 15, 2017

You may have lost a few crowns. Asparagus is a great spreader so eventually it will fill in dependant on the variety. If you decide to plant new crows carefully explore the bare areas incase there are some viable roots that are just delayed. If there isn't any remaining asparagus and you don't want to wait for the existing plants to fill in go ahead and replant if it isn't too hot to do so.

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