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Asiatic Lilies

Q.Asiatic lilies

Zone Baltimore, MD , zone 7 | johansen.nadine added on May 28, 2016 | Answered

I planted Asian lilies in large pots many years ago. They come up beautifully every year, except this year. See the photos below. The buds are twisted and the color is off. The buds should be a uniform light red before they open and dark red after they open. These buds have a yellowish cast and they are bent over. The petals are twisted when the flower opens. One of two of the stems are twisted as well but most of the stems are straight. I have 3 large pots and they are all coming up the same way. I separated some of the bulbs last year and planted them in separate pot with new soil, and some of those buds are also twisted but not as many as in the large, older pot. Any idea what is going on?

Thanks Nadine Johansen

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 31, 2016

We did not receive the images.
From your description it very much sounds like your Lily bulbs are infected with a virus.
Distorted, twisted growth and color breaking are two indicators of a virus.

These viruses are generally transmitted by Aphids.
Aphids should be controlled with an insecticide treatment, Neem Oil is a good organic choice.
It is best to destroy infected bulbs to prevent the spread of the disease.



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