Q.Asiatic Lillies That I Have Planted This Year, The Leaves On The Plants Have Started To Brown And Black. Some Of The Flowers Also
to have turned translucent in some places. The leaves when they turned started at the top and worked down the stem. A few of the blooms that were on the plants seamed to also dry out before they bloomed. I had to on a few of the lilies cut half of the tops of f because they had turned brown and black. I did dig up one plant to see if the bulb was good and it was fine. I also have new pla nts coming up around some of the ones that don’t look good. All of Asiatic Lillies that I have are in containers with drainage. I have also fertilizer the plants when I first planted them. I also checked for bugs but I did not see any
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I have found that lilies in pots are easily overwatered, especially if the pot is large. The answer is incorporating sand into the potting mix.