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Asiatic Lilies

Q.Asiatic lilies that bloomed consistently for the past 5 years did not come up this year.

Zone 12418-0015 | Anonymous added on June 4, 2020 | Answered

Over 40 Asiatic lilies – different varieties – have done well for 5 years. They did not come up this year at all. I have done nothing different. Is 5 years a normal lifespan? Is it possible that they would skip a season? If so, I won’t dig in that area. (I have many little critters in my yard, and I am seeing some very small holes toward the back of the bed, but nothing obvious.) Advice?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 7, 2020

It is possible they reached their lifespan or all received more than usual water this winter and the bulbs rotted.

It's hard to imagine that ALL plants were eaten by mice, squirrels or chipmunks. Seems like some of them would have come back if it was animals or disease.

You could try digging up a few bulbs to see if the bulb is intact and looks healthy. If it's soft, it rotted.

Here is more information on Asiatic lilies:



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