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Areca Palm Trees

Q.Areca Palm House Plants

Zone Ayr | Anonymous added on June 15, 2017 | Answered

Hello, I would be so grateful if you can offer any help or advice? I have recently bought one of the above which came in a pot with holes for drainage. However, I have now purchased a slightly larger more ornate pot which has no drainage holes at all. Can this new pot be used for my plant if I lay pea gravel at the bottom and placing the original pot within and then adding compost to compensate the size? Kind regards, Andrew

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 16, 2017

There are very specific reasons for repotting an Areca Palm, and this article will give you the reasons why as well as the "how." Hint: you'll want to remove your new Areca Palm from the original pot -- it is not needed any longer.


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