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Areca Palm Trees

Q.Areca Palm, Brown Leaves

Zone zone 8 | kat emr added on May 18, 2020 | Answered

my areca is about 12-15 inches tall, potted; lives in sunroom, diffused light, warm, watered about once a week (deep watering too). why has it all of sudden turned all brown? it was really pretty before! thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 19, 2020

Your photo didn't come through, but it sounds like overwatering. Make sure that the soil dries out, very thoroughly, down to almost halfway the container between waterings. Allow ALL extra water out of the container. They will tolerate slightly more water during the growing season and slightly less during the winter.

Watering on schedule will not be appropriate. You will need to, physically, check the moisture down into the soil. If the container does not have drainage to allow all extra water out, then you will need to wait even longer between waterings.

As of now, you will want to treat with a fungicide, and correct watering habits.

here are some articles that will help:



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