Q.Are Used To Miracle Grow On My Hibiscus And Now It’s Only Producing Foliage
Are used to miracle grow on my hibiscus and now it’s only producing foliage. I read on here that you can add phosphorus to help it start producing blooms again but I also read that it can be bad for your Hibiscus what do I use to add phosphorus and how much of it should I use please help
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can offset with superphosphoric acid. This will provide phosphorus in a way that will not disrupt anything too heavily. If you purchase one that is marketed as a "bloom booster" then it will have instructions for mixing. I would start with half the strength of those instructions. Work your way up in 2 weeks if necessary. If this is raw superphosphoric acid, then it will depend on the concentration.
Here are some more articles on Hibiscus care: