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Hyacinth Plant

Q.growth on lemon tree

Zone Minnesota | randalyn50 added on April 17, 2015 | Answered

Are these new leaves starting to grow back cause they aren’t thorns? Although there are thorns. Earlier in the winter I started losing all my leaves. They turned yellow and dropped off a lot of them. But it still flowered and I have plenty little lemons. But I just noticed these green things sprouting out. Are they something to be concerned about or are they the leaves growing back? Here’s a picture – the one on the left is one of the bigger ones. It kind of sticks out from the rest of the tree along the branches.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 18, 2015

I'm sorry we did not receive your picture.

Please let us know what type of tree you are referencing and send the picture.

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