Q.Are Gerainiums Like African Violets In That The Leaves Shouldn’t Get Wet ?
I’ve got a big container geranium outside (it hasn’t rained much yet) but it is getting hot (florida) I’ll need to start watering with a sprinkler soon, till now I’ve used a water can & directed it under the leaves, so far what little rain we have had hasn’t done any damage Also,how much direct sun can they take? it is already blazing most days now. I’m a newbie, recently retired & want some “pretty flowers.”
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If you can avoid overhead irrigation, it will reduce the chance of fungal diseases. So, when watering between rain showers, always water deeply from below the foliage. They need full sun outside, and that will help with fungal issues as well.
Here are more plants for hot sun: