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Canna Lilies

Q.Are Canna Seeds Easy to Grow?

jeanette111 added on April 12, 2011 | Answered

I harvested the Canna seeds from my plants last fall. I would like to know the best way to raise them if you have had any luck raising them?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 13, 2011

The fastest way is to nick the seeds and soak them in water till the radicle (first root) appears which will be in about 4 to 10 days. You can then pot them up with the radicle pointing downwards - the first leaf will appear about a week later. Spring is ideal for starting them. They grow quite fast. That being said, the hardest part is nicking the seed. Some people have success with a big nail clipper, but it doesn't work for me. I use a damp towel to hold the seed and use a sharp exacto knife. If radicles don't show in 10 days, check the seed and if you see bubbles in the skin, just peel off the first layer and soak again.

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Answered on May 2, 2011

Thank you Nikki! It wasnt 3 days and the radicle appeared on over 50% of the seeds. Im excited to see how they grow this year.

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