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Bethlehem Star

Q.Are any part of Star of Bethlehem edible?

Zone Lake Forest, Ca. 92630 | echucko added on October 19, 2019 | Answered

What do you mean “Please provide more information, apart from just the question.” I filled out all the forms for contact. And now this never ending circle, all without the answer to my original question “Are any part of Star of Bethlehem edible?”

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 20, 2019

The University of NC lists these as the
"Poison Parts" of the plant:
Bark, Flowers,Fruits,Leaves,Roots,Sap/Juice,Seeds,
Stems. One source says that at one time, the boiled roots were used in time of famine, but most official sources say the entire plant is poisonous.

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