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Q.arbovitae tree

Anonymous added on December 12, 2018 | Answered

Good morning i planted 2 arbovitae trees but they have become brown and dry what could be wrong and will they still grow .they do get watered often. thankyou much apriciated.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 14, 2018

Trees and shrubs too often have roots that run in a circle around the container. Even balled and burlap plants can have roots that don't go straight out from the plant, depending on how long ago they were dug up. If crooked roots aren't straightened at planting time (or pruned off if straightening isn't possible), the roots can strangle the plant. This usually takes more than 2 years, however. Other potential issues are problems with soil fertility, planting too deeply and disease. Have the soil tested by your state's Extension Service. It sounds like the trees are now dead or seriously damaged. Examine the trees closely for signs of disease on the needles and branch bark. Arborvitae are subject to needle blight, aphids, and several fungal diseases. Your local county Extension Office can help with disease identification; give them a call.

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Answered on December 12, 2018

They need deep and regular watering after planting to get established. We initially planted them 25+ years ago and used a soaker hose at the base.

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