Q.Aralia Ming
Hello, my Aralia Ming plant (have had for over a year) was lush when I first obtained it & now is more bare & does not seem to be doing well (see photos). I live in NY and have issues with apartment being too dry during winter months(I run 2 humidifiers in room). Some of the tips are dark brown & not showing any new growth.
I keep the soil slightly moist (water it well about every 2 weeks) and there are no roots showing, so I doubt it needs re potting.
Please, any advice is appreciated.
PS: I have a second Aralia Ming that is doing fine, but these two plants look nothing alike.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This could be a simple fertilization issue. You should fertilize once a year with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer. They do tend to need a little more light, so being in a brightly lit window, but not in direct light then it will help some.
This article will give you more information on their care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/aralia-plants/polyscias-fruticosa-ming-aralia.htm