Q.Arabian Jasmine outdoors in near freezing temperatures
Hi There,
Is there any hope for my Arabian Jasmine in a pot that has been left out in near freezing temps a couple days? The top leaves are dried out but the lower ones are fine. I have a small plant, about a foot high and 9 inches diameter.
During the summer it had beautiful blooms and is a healthy plant.
What do I do?
Thank you for your help.
Becky Baker

This didn't kill it, although it may not look as good as it did. Just bring it back inside and baby it until it comes back. These are not hardy in the cold, and will prefer to be kept inside when it does get down low. Believe it or not, this is a problem that I have been seeing from all over the world, as we are experiencing a cooling period. Many areas that have never had frost are seeing snow! Many people don't know this (truthful information is getting hard to come by) but our planet has a very predictable wobble that will either set us into warm periods or cooling periods. The Farmer's Almanac usually has access to this information, and they can help you prepare for certain weather patterns in your area. I use it myself, personally. Just make sure to bring the plant in at the first mention of cold weather to prevent any further damage, and it should recover just fine.